Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dinner party ideas - not dinner party disasters!

That's right - my advice to you with your dinner party ideas is to be flexible..

This story by Larry Bly from the Roanoke Times was enjoyable to read - a bit of a roller coast read actually.

At first I found myself dreaming about having a beach house and inviting nine guests around to sit-down to a formal dinner and then the power went down on a day of 105-degree record-breaking heat and then things started going wrong..

what.. and it wasn't a bad choice after all. Here's a quote from the story:

"Thus ended one of the memorable hot days of my life. Good food, good fun, good times. No sweat. Well, maybe just a bit, but you hardly noticed under that lovely subdued candlelight that made us all look so good."

Read the whole article at:

Stay tuned, I really do intend to bring you some great dinner party ideas!

Until next post.


Oh yes, and a recipe book likes this really helps to keep things simple:

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